Investment Projects

Veterinary vaccine production

  • Indicator Results
  • Investment amount, thousand US dollars 391
  • NPV of the Project thousand, US dollars 10 345
  • IRR, % 39,4%
  • EBITDA yield, %
  • Payback period, years 5,31
  • Discounted payback period, years - - 6,89


The veterinary vaccine production plant will reach its planned capacity of 80 million doses per year by 2025 and will produce:

  • Vaccines against anthrax for large ruminants: 10,000 doses of monovalent vaccines per year and 12,000 doses of trivalent vaccines.
  • Vaccines against anthrax for small ruminants: 16,000 doses of monovalent vaccines per year and 41,000 doses of trivalent vaccines

This investment project envisages the production of monovalent and trivalent foot-and-mouth disease vaccinations for cattle, sheep and goats at an operational full-cycle biopharmaceutical plant in Dzhambul Oblast. Currently, the company has reached agreements with the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan to purchase the full volume of produced vaccines.


OtarBioPharm LLC is a manufacturer of biological and medicinal products. The company owns a plant for the production of immunobiological preparations that comply with the requirements of good manufacturing practice (GMP).


  • The loss of the foot-and-mouth disease-free status of a country hinders international and regional trade in meat and meat products. According to the estimates of the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH), the virus circulates among 77% of the global cattle population in Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and certain parts of South America.
  • Currently, the foot-and-mouth disease vaccine is not produced within the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and the country is entirely dependent on imports. In 2022, the Ministry of Agriculture of Kazakhstan purchased foot-and-mouth disease vaccines from Russia for a total amount of 3.5 million US dollars. The annual demand for foot-and-mouth disease vaccine amounts to 80 million doses.
Project's attractiveness

  • Existing infrastructure. Project is planned to be implemented at the facility owned by the initiator, which is a plant for the production of immunobiological preparations. The plant complies with the requirements of good manufacturing practice (GMP) and has experience in contract manufacturing of over 5 million doses of the coronavirus infection vaccine.
  • Secured contracts. The company has reached an agreement with the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan regarding the purchase of the full volume of vaccines produced within the scope of the project.
  • Qualified personnel. The plant employs 90 qualified staff with experience in industrial and other laboratories, including in the Ministry of Health’s Biosafety Scientific and Research Institute.
Investment proposal

The Project requires investment of 391 thousand USD (at the rate of 449 tenge), of which:

  • 100% (391 thousand USD) – investor participation.
The proposed financing structure and state support measures are indicative. The final financing structure and Project interests will be determined based on the results of negotiations with the investor. The investment allocation is as follows:

  • 74% (291 thousand USD) – raw materials;
  • 26% (101 thousand USD) – equipment.

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