II Investment Forum «PPP during a pandemic: challenges and opportunities»
Kazakh Invest and Kazakhstan Center for Public-Private Partnership invites you to take part in the II Investment Forum "PPP during a pandemic: challenges and opportunities". This year the Forum will be held on October 15 online.
The Forum is organized with the support of the Office of the United Nations Development Program in Kazakhstan (UNDP) and will be held jointly with the IV Meeting of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP).
The purpose of the Forum is to create an international dialogue platform for representatives of government, business, science, and the expert community to discuss trends in the development of PPP, to find solutions to challenges, as well as opportunities for further development of the mechanism. In addition, the Forum will host the Fourth Meeting of the Asia-Pacific region concerning Infrastructure Finance and PPP Network.
To participate in the online forum, please register on the website: https://forum.kzppp.kz/